Monday, August 16, 2004

Putting on the foil

I know this is tiptoeing into global conspiracy territory, but is anyone else besides me just a little bit uncomfortable about all the GPS devices being so readily available? Not to mention OnStar? The thought that anyone might be able to track my every movement and possibly even control my vehicle from outside if they wanted to just kinda creeps me out. I'm sure it's made some people's lives easier, but it's still a little too Big Brother-ish, for me.

On an unrelated note: A few people have started to email me and give me feedback on this 'blog, which is nice. But what would be nicer (and not that I don't appreciate the support) is if you'd post a comment at the bottom of the post that interested you. That would go a long was towards making it seem like I'm not just talking to myself here. Thanks.

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