Thursday, April 07, 2005

Reductio ad Absurdum = Comedy

Appearing on Hannity and Colmes, Minuteman Project organizer James Gilchrist had this to say:

Alan, there are supremacist groups out there of all races, colors and creeds. It's not just white supremacists. Why are you picking on them? There are brown. There are purple. There are red.

It's a veritable Rainbow Coalition of hate out there! By the way, would someone please forward me a list of all Purple Supremacist groups?


Scott said...

So, do you agree or disagree with the Minuteman Project? Because the news has been pretty biased against it. They are taking head count of people crossing the boarder. That's all.

Curtin said...

That's not all they're doing. They're also tripping off border sensors, which draw resources away from the already thinly dtretched border patrols. Also, do you really think that a group of armed private citizens that refers to itself as the Minuteman (remember where that word came from) Project is just out to observe and take a headcount. I hope I'm wrong, but I think it's safe bet to say that there will be at least one shooting related to this prject when all is said and done. A lot of these guys fancy themselves to be America's true protectors, and this project is only going to encourage them to take matters into their own hands, as it were, when they see what they think is illegal activity.

Curtin said...

And yes, I am now aware of all the typos in that comment.