Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Silent Alarms Are Going Off All Over the DNC...

So, after 35 years of Democratic politics and liberal activism, after all the cranky little rants (yeah yeah, the title's ironic, geddit?) and ad homenim attacks made on this very 'Blog, after all that, I find myself in a situation that flies in the face of anything I thought would ever happen:
I'm dating a Republican.
Gloat away, fuckers.


Anonymous said...

What an irony it is. Considering she hails from a Kennedy loving democratic family....perhaps you could convert her?

MissMargo said...

I feel you man! "Hey guys, I'm single now, so if you have any tall liberal friends, send them my way!"

Yeah...I've been dating a short Registered Bush voting (but hating) Republican...something about the dark side.

Curtin said...

Bush voting (but hating)? That's interesting. I wonder why people hated Kerry so much as to vote for a guy they didn't like. I mean, I basically liked him by default in the general election, and there was plenty to not like (seems to be a trend among major party candidates these days), but I can't imagine why someone would vote for someone they hate.