Thursday, June 16, 2005

News Flash: Bill Frist Is A Huge Asshole

So, now that medical science has confirmed what ALMOST EVERYONE EXCEPT DR. SENATOR BILL FRIST, M.D. knew, he's decided everything's okely-dokely-do, and the case is closed. No mention of his unconscionable personal attacks on Michael Schiavo, not one word about the fact that his public (false) statements gave credibility to all the other politicians who decided to jump on the bandwagon (All of whom, btw, need to go to Michael Schiavo's home and apologize to him personally. And if I were Schiavo, I wouldn't answer the door). What we get from the Majority Leader is an "Okay, what's next?"
Frist needs to be shot out of a cannon. Or voted out of office and exposed for the craven piece of scum he is.
Was that a negative, partisan attack? Sorry.
No, I'm not.
p.s.- (1:41 PM) Why isn't there a link to the autopsy story on Drudge's website? He certainly liked to post about the Schiavo Case when it was happeneing...

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