Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Another Reason to Not Move to Those States...

The Supreme Court is about to rule on whether your city or town can legally claim your property in order to build a hotel or shopping mall. Okay, I know what Eminent Domain is, and I know it's in the Constitution, but seriously, what the fuh...? In the 50's, hundreds of Bostonians were forced out of homes and businesses in order to make way for the Central Artery that was recently torn down to make way for the Big Dig. And of course, the West End of Boston (birthplace of Leonard Nimoy) basically no longer exists because of real estate developers. I just can't believe people are still having to go through this kind of crap after working hard and saving up to be able to afford their own homes. If I'm not mistaken, Eminent Domain is supposed to be a last resort kind of thing, not just a way to reward rich developers that give you campaign money. If anyone knows of a petition or some kind of legal fund being set up for these folks in New London, please post it here. The home you save may be your own.

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