Monday, September 13, 2004

Liberal Media Bias, Mm Hmmm...

Just saw a teaser for Channel 7, the NBC affiliate here in Boston. They were promoting a news story about Kitty Kelley's new book about the President, and gave the line "Guess where the author claims the President used cocaine [emphasis mine]." Now, there have been a few stories about this book in the last couple weeks or so, mostly about Bush's sister-in-law claiming she never said she saw him use coke at Camp David, and Kelley saying that, well, yes she did say that because someone else was at the interview and confirms her statement. So how does 7 News make the statement that Kelley is making the claim, when it clearly comes from people who say they were there at the time? I don't even know if the story is true, but at least one so-called "Liberal Media" source is framing the story as one person making claims about the President's past. Nice work, Liberal media!

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