Friday, January 27, 2012

Stock Taking and Belly Rubs

Sometimes, you just want to go ahead and have the lobotomy and get it over with.  And then your shift ends and you go home and it's the weekend.  It's been that kind of week.  Not for any reason in particular, but there are just those weeks when it seems you really can't stand what you're doing all day, and you're doing everything you can to rectify that situation, and thus far you're getting nowhere, even with people who seem to be really interested in your skills.  It's been that kind of month.

And then it's five o'clock on Friday, and time to go slalom through the highway/obstacle course to home.  The cat, as always, meets you at the door, and then plops down on his spot on the living room rug, and assumes the "I'm ready for my belly rubs" position.  And someone amazing comes out and greets you with a radiant smile and an incredible hug and an electric kiss, and now it's okay to be tired and giddy and let the stress of the week go back into the recesses of your awareness, ready for relaxation and adventure.  And maybe this time, Monday will hold off for a little bit.

What would help, what would really help, is if your job wasn't completely rote and unimaginative.  If your living was made by doing something that actually makes you excited.  And maybe even involves things that interest you and appeal to your passions.  A job where you don't feel like nodding off at your desk in the middle of the day .  One where you're not constantly micro-managed, even though management is fully aware that you've been doing this for over ten years, and you pretty much have it down at this point.

You think back to the jobs you had that were the most enjoyable, and they usually involved something to do with music, arts, literature, performance, or some combination of them.  Unfortunately, those were also always the jobs that paid the least.  And so your strategy now is to find something that combines at least elements of those things with your current skill set, and if you can find something that at least comes close, you could probably be fine with that.  So you keep looking, because improving your situation doesn't just mean making more money.

But right now, you're home.  You're warm, and loved, and happy.  And you're not all that worried about it, because things are going well, and you have no plans to give up.

Now if only the cat would stop jumping on your head at two in the morning...

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