Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I have another earworm for you.  I've had the song in my iTunes for some time now, and I've actually played with this band at Shamrockfest in Washington, D.C.  But lately for some reason, I can't get it out of my head.  My girlfriend says this might beat out "Code Monkey" by Jonathan Coulter.  Great, now they're both fighting for attention in my tilt-a-whirl of a brain.  Anyway, here's the "Worst Pirate Song" by Ceann.  You can thank me later...

Got a new tattoo (Courtesy of Jess again.  I'm starting to wonder if she just likes to see people jab me for an hour...) this weekend at the Art Riot Expo in Boxborough, Mass. from Mariah of Providence Tattoo.  It was kind of a spur of the moment thing, but I'm really pleased with it.  Pictures are up on Facebook.

I also took my daughter up to New Hampshire and Shogun Tattoo, to get her very first ink from my friend Jamey Proctor.  She was nervous as hell beforehand, but she took it like a trooper.  It helped that what she wanted wasn't all that complicated.  And she's already got another one in mind.  It begins...

I managed to get through my rent emergency crisis this weekend with the help of my family.  And on a positive note, I had an interview yesterday, and requests from two other companies to interview today.  Hopefully soon, I can breathe at least a moderate sigh of relief.  It's been a trying year thus far, to put it mildly, but I really feel like things are starting to turn around on all fronts.  It's a cautious optimism, but it's optimism, nonetheless.  Trying not to get my hopes up, of course.

Get Rhythm...

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