Thursday, December 22, 2011

My My My...

Turns out my last entry is now the second most popular post on this blog ever.  Like the current reigning champ, I've gotten a lot of feedback about it, both online and privately.  Many folks agreed with my basic point, which has nothing to do with what people should be allowed to say, but instead not freaking out when someone says something intended to wish you well.  Some disagreed with me and were very thoughtful and respectful.  And some completely ignored my central premise and decided to snark it up and be nasty.  To the first group, I say thank you for your support.  To the second, thanks for the opportunity to exchange ideas, and I wish you a very Merry Christmas.  To the last...well, you can just blow it out your ass.  I'm not going to bother arguing with someone who'd rather lambaste me for what they want me to have said, than discuss what I actually wrote.  If you're that bothered by nothing more than what I have to say, you are welcome to stop reading.  Keep looking for sinister motives in everything people do and say.  I'm sure you'll find them.

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