Thursday, May 26, 2011

Leap Forward!

"You deserve good things too.  You know that, right?" - said to me recently by someone very dear to me

Sometimes, I don't know that I do.  As much as I don't want this space to be a litany of my problems, sometimes it feels like that's all I've got.  Well, it's not really all I have.  I have my wonderful daughter, my friends and family, my band, my cat, and a roof over my head (for the time being).  I have a job.  I need a second one, but having the first one is important too.  There are a LOT of good things in my life.

And yet, there are times when I let myself wallow in my problems.  I really don't like that I do that.  It's probably the thing I dislike most about myself.  To be fair, some of my problems are substantial.  But sometimes the inertia that comes from being stopped in my tracks by bad news gets in the way of dusting off and figuring out what to do about it.  Even in the best of circumstances.  The tendency to get down on myself and beat myself up blinds me to the good things I have and my ability to better myself.

To be sure, I am going through some real difficulties right now.  Some mental, some emotional, and some financial.  But right here and now, I'm resolving to become a solver, rather than a wallower.  It's not going to be easy, and I may fall back into old bad habits.  But mindfulness of who I am and what I have (and what I deserve) will be my constant goal.

Oh, and winning Powerball...

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