Monday, April 11, 2011

She's College Bound, And I'm Okay

Yesterday, we went up to Salem State University for an Accepted Student's Day.  The basic premise of the day is to convince the Seniors that have received acceptance letters to actually enroll at the school.  This wasn't a concern for us, as my daughter has already decided and sent in her deposit.  We had a few questions about the financial aid and all that, but it was really just a chance to see the place and walk around a bit.  The campus is spread out through neighborhoods and is really part of the community, much like Bridgewater State, where I went.  It's nice, and they're building a brand new library that's going to be state of the art.  Nice.  Salem itself is a cool city, full of history and a nice vibe.  This is a big reason she was attracted to the place.

She is completely excited about going there.  I think she'd start tomorrow if she could.  I would have thought she'd be more sentimental about her high school years ending, and parting ways with many of the friends she's made over the years.  But no, she's ready to go.  And as I sit here looking at a picture of her from her very first Halloween, dressed as a pumpkin (with me holding her in a plaid shirt and straw hat), I can't help but be a little sad.  She's going away, to live in a place further away from me and the rest of her family than she's ever been.  I know, it's not like she's going to Alaska, but it's still a little far for my taste.

She wants to be out on her own, which is good, but it's almost like she wants to get away from us.  I don't think that's really the case, but a dad always wants to be essential to his girl's life, you know?  Indispensable, needed.  Can't live without.  Of course she wont be living without us, she'll be about an hour away.

None of which is to say I'm not immensely proud of her and the huge step she's taking in her life.  I'd like to think I've had at least something to do with the amazing young woman she's become.  She's beautiful, smart, funny, talented, hard working, thoughtful.  All the things you'd want in a kid, really.  Of course, she has her teenage moments, but that's to be expected, and she's nowhere near as bad as some kids I've seen.  She's also a lot more confident in herself than I ever was (or still am, for that matter).  And she's definitely goal oriented.  And that she's actually excited about this new chapter in her life makes me proud too.  I've always had a certain amount of fear and trepidation about new situations.  She doesn't seem to at all.

So it's bittersweet to be sending her off to college, but more sweet than bitter.  I know she'll do well there, and I know she'll come back to see us when she can.  But that little girl in the pumpkin costume keeps looking back at me, and I could swear that was taken only a few months ago.

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