Friday, February 04, 2011

Father of a College Student, Am I (Almost)

A couple of weeks ago, my daughter called me in an excited flurry and informed me that she'd just been accepted to the college of her choice.  A huge, HUGE sigh of relief was heard across southeastern Massachusetts, from her house to my house to her aunt and grandmother.  It wasn't that I didn't think she'd get in, she's a far better student than I ever was.  But just the culmination of over 17 years of worrying and hoping and wishing that she'd grow up to do whatever she wanted to do makes even a gimme a nerve-wracking experience.  It is true what they say, you will never know the sheer terror, combined with the utter joy, of raising a child unless you've helped to do it.  I know I've made some big blunders along the way, yet she's grown up to be an amazing young woman, someone who'll make her difference in the world, and do it beautifully.  Well done, my wonderful girl.

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