Thursday, February 10, 2011

Loaded Up And...Locked

A big problem I run into is that, far from having nothing to say, I'm actually brimming with ideas in my mind, but for whatever reason I just can't seem to get them out consistently.  Probably a byproduct of my condition, but even when I was treating it regularly, I'd fall into a rut very easily.  Maybe it's feelings of worthlessness caused by depression, maybe not.  One thing I always have a hard time with is deciding in my head whether something's worth writing down.  I need to keep telling myself that it's all worth writing down (that is, after all, what a personal journal is for, right?).  It's whether the product is ready for public consumption that's the key, I think.

I've been assured by more than one person that I have at least a modicum of talent for writing, so why don't I believe it?  Is it just too hard to see myself as any good?  I recognize the signs of self-doubt when they come on, but overcoming them is another thing entirely.  And I know I'm not exactly unique in that respect.  Truth to tell, these doubts don't just apply to writing.  In fact, I have just as much trouble getting what I want to say out of my head verbally.  And it has cost me.

Why?  Why am I so passive?  When things start going south, I start retreating into myself.  I hate that.  I hate knowing that I should be saying something and having nothing come out.  I hope this new regimen of mine can help with that.  I'm sick of feeling hopeless and inept.  Sick of letting what I want slip away because it's too painful to stand and fight sometimes.  Doesn't what I want matter?  So what's stopping me from trying?

Only me.  Get out of my way, me.

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