Friday, February 18, 2011

"Weeeellll, looks like we got ourselves a reader"

I've had more than one person at work say some version of "Every time I see you, you're reading another book" to me, like they can't imagine why I'd do such a thing.  I actually had one guy tell me last week that he hated reading.  I don't understand that.  At all.  I come from a family of readers.  I was read to constantly as a baby and toddler, so I guess that's where it all started.  I actually remember the first time I realized I was reading on my own.  I was sitting on the couch in our living room, about maybe four or five years old.  And while the details are a little hazy, I believe it had something to do with turtles playing football.  I could be completely wrong about that.  I remember once in kindergarten, sitting by myself and reading a book aloud, and when I looked up, a bunch of other kids were all sitting around me, listening.  My first public speaking gig.  I was a little embarrassed, to be honest.

Reading is just what I do, I guess.  Whenever I develop an interest in something, the first thing I do is look for books on the subject.  The history of it, biographies of prominent people related to it, how to's, whatever.  I'm pretty sure that even if I did end up a waffle waiter (see clip above), I'd probably be reading on my lunch breaks.

Right now, I'm reading a book by British music journalist Colin Irwin called "In Search of the Craic."  It's about his journey through Ireland's pub culture, looking for the ultimate traditional seissiun.  Lot's of good anecdotes about people like Shane Macgowan, Christy Moore, De Dannan, Sharon Shannon, and other luminaries of the traditional Irish music scene.

I like non-fiction a lot, but fiction creeps in pretty regularly too.  Twain and Vonnegut would have to rank up there as my favorites, along with Steinbeck, Kerouac, and more contemporary writers like Neil Gaiman and Bruce Sterling.  I just finished the Keith Richards memoir.  Highly recommended.  The guy can tell a story, for sure.  I got a bunch of books for Christmas, as well as a Barnes & Noble gift card, which netted me three more, including Patti Smith's "Just Kids".  I think that's going to be next.

Any other readers out there?  What are you reading right now?  What have you read lately that you can recommend?  I'll even take suggestions from waffle waitresses...

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